The Legend Of Ram Avatar of Vishnu

The Legend Of Ram Avatar of Lord Vishnu | Myth And Heroic Deeds

Hindu mythology has been a source of fascination for centuries. Woven intricately, there are a thousand tales we have of our Hindu mythology.

Some of the stories are well-known, we’ve grown up hearing them, reading them, and finally telling them. 

However, there are so many more stories that we cannot hope to cover in our mortal lifetimes but we can try. Hindu mythology is laden with stories and legends that have been passed down through generations. 

ram avatar of vishnu

Lord Vishnu holds a special place as one of our main deities in Hindu mythology.

According to our beliefs, Lord Vishnu takes on various forms or avatars to maintain balance in the universe and uphold righteousness.

And right on top of that is our most cherished deity Lord Rama, an avatar of Lord Vishnu.

Often known as the “Maryada Purushottam” which directly translates to an ideal or honorable man, Lord Rama is our steadfast example of unwavering dedication to one’s duties and the love and loyalty one holds for their family. 

Our very own symbol of virtue and eternal grace, the tale of Ramayana, fondly called one of the great epics, delves into the story of Lord Rama and just why it has withstood the test of time to still be in our world and minds.

The Legend and Mythology Behind Ram Avatar Of  Lord Vishnu  

The ten avatars of Lord Vishnu are legendary. And Lord Rama is the seventh in line. Penned down in stories as a dark-skinned deity, he is the ultimate epitome of courage and nobility.

The tale of Lord Rama is one for the ages. In the mighty battle he waged with King Ravana in the grounds of Lanka to retrieve his wife is still the example touted to young men on the bravery once displayed on our proud soil.

Born into royalty, Lord Rama, destined to be King since his birth, was cast away due to the plot of evil. 

His story, right from the beginning to him winning the hand of the lovely Sita Rani, up to the brutal abduction, and the marvelous journey he undertook has been passed down generations.

What makes Ramayana stand out isn’t just the sheer magnificence and nobility of Lord Rama but the inclusion of his loyal companions, no one character in the tale of Ramayana exists without adding a pivotal amount of value to the story, forever etching it within our hearts.

Starting from the birth of Lord Ram, everything in this epic is woven as a part of a cosmic story involving celestial beings being incarnated in order to rid the world of evil. 

Lord Vishnu is believed to be born in one of his avatars everytime the world needs to be purged of evil and balance restored. Standing true to this, Lord Rama was born to bring back righteousness and defeat evil.

ram avatar of lord vishnu

Lord Ram, born in the city of Ayodhya, ruled by his father, King Dasharatha, is said to have belonged to the noble Ikshvaku dynasty that was known for its virtue and integrity. 

Beloved by all, Lord Ram grew up with his siblings. He won the hand of Goddess Sita by breaking the sacred dhanush, the bow, in a glorious ceremony.

However, Lord Rama’s stepmother, Queen Kaikeyi, influenced by the evil Manthara, hatches a plan to send him into exile, in the fear that he might take the throne. 

Despite being the rightful heir, Lord Ram accepts his fate and leaves Ayodhya, along with Sita Rani and his brother, Lakshman.

The demon king, Ravana then tricks and kidnaps Goddess Sita, seeking revenge for when Lakshman had harmed his sister.

Ramayana narrates the journey that Lord Rama undertakes in his life and the unwavering devotion he has towards duty, the love for his people, and the commitment he shows to his family. 

The sage Valmiki is famously said to have penned the tale of Ramayana, the epic that became timeless and still imparts valuable lessons about doing what's right and what’s wrong and the role of responsibility in every person's life.

Lord Vishnu’s incarnation reminds us of the age-old battle between good and evil and the importance of choosing the path of righteousness. 

Lord Rama's Heroic Deeds and Battles 

The legendary deeds of Lord Rama are exactly that, legendary.

The seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu is woven into our hearts and the veins Hindu mythology, captivating generations. His heroic journey is a tale of valor, love, and righteousness.

Lord Rama's Battle with Demons like Tataka and Subahu

While the tale of Ramayana is famously remembered for the war between Lord Rama and King Ravana, he was not the only adversary faced by Lord Rama.

Even before Lord Rama reached his adulthood, he had come across several evils in his life.

One of them was Tataka, a wicked demon who thrived on creating chaos. Living in the forest, this deadly creature was defeated by Lord Rama with his mighty bow and arrow, restoring the peace that once existed.

And this is not the only tale, Subahu, another demon causing trouble was vanquished by Lord Rama, once again saving his people. 

These early defeats show us Lord Rama's courage and his commitment to protecting his kingdom and its people were a constant part of him.

The Challenge of Breaking Lord Shiva's Bow and Winning Sita's Hand

The turning point in the tale of Lord Rama’s journey has to be when he tried to win the hand of Goddess Sita.

In order to win the hand of Sita in marriage, one had to take part in swayamvara, a royal contest set up by Sita's father who wanted a son-in-law capable of completing the difficult challenge laid down.

The challenge they laid down there was no easy feat, indeed. The eligible men were supposed to display their strength by having to string Lord Shiva's enormous bow.

However, Lord Rama did not just do that but more, with grace and strength, Lord Rama strung the bow and snapped it in two.

This incredible act of valor won him the hand of Goddess Sita in marriage.

And thus began one of the greatest love stories in history.

The 14-Year Exile and Kidnapping of Sita by Ravana

Those closest to us hurt us the most. 

Even the Gods were not exempted from this. Queen Kaikeyhi, a mother-like figure to Lord Rama, was influenced by a few evil claims made by the vicious Manthara, who harboured ill will towards Lord Rama due to a single incident where as a child Lord Rama had hurt Manthara due to her differently abled body. 

why was rama exiled for 14 years

This led to Lord Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana leaving the land of Ayodhya for their fourteen-year long exile because of a promise that King Dasharatha had made to his Queen years ago. 

This exile was filled with several challenges that the deities had to overcome. The worst of all is when the demon king Ravana lured Goddess Sita away.

He pretended to be a wise sage and kidnapped Sita, taking her to the faraway island of Lanka to extract his revenge.

Lord Hanuman Joins Rama's Quest to Find Sita

Proving why Lord Hanuman would forever be one of the most revered and cherished deities, he helped locate Goddess Sita, tracing her to the lonely lands of Lanka. 

He also helped save the life of Lakshmana and helped the tale of Ramayana reach its celebrative end.

Epic Battle Between Lord Rama and Ravana, Victory Over Evil

Though the legacy of Lord Rama continues to live on, the end of Lord Rama’s journey is marked by the battle of Lanka. Between Lord Rama and Ravana, the battle proved to be fierce. 

Lord Rama reached Lanka with the help of his loyal allies, the likes of which included Lord Hanuman, Lakshmana, Jatayu and a hoard of other characters. 

lord rama army

The battle of Ramayana was waged with a singular goal in mind that was to rescue Sita Rani. 

Recounted as a clash of cosmic proportions between good and evil, it is poetically depicted with Lord Rama’s arrows striking down Ravana, once again upholding right over wrong.

Mata Sita's Agnipariksha After Being Rescued from Lanka

However, it is still argued that the question of good versus evil, while answered, the ultimate test in Ramayana was the one where Lord Rama’s love and devotion were put to a public question with the chastity of Sita Rani being questioned due to her captivity.

To prove her purity, Sita Rani had to undergo the trial of fire, known as "agnipariksha." Her virtue held true as she emerged unscathed from the flames, affirming her purity.

Lord Rama's life and struggles are etched in our history, and they continue to hold lessons about bravery, love, and unwavering commitment to what's right. 

His narrative remains a timeless source of inspiration for people even today.

It serves as a poignant reminder to always hold onto hope, exhibit courage, and stand by righteousness, no matter how daunting the challenges.

Svastika Ram Darbar Pocket Temple - Gold Plated (Big)

Svastika Ram Darbar Pocket Temple - Gold Plated (Big)

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Childhood Form of Lord Ram - Gold Plated (6 Inch)

Childhood Form of Lord Ram - Gold Plated (6 Inch)


Influence and Legacy of Ram Avatar of Lord Vishnu

The history of the Hindu culture spans across centuries, making him one among the most cherished deities in our culture. 

The epitome of symbolization, Lord Rama is quoted synonymously to the ideal king and man. His presence is so widespread, weaving itself into art, culture, uniting us in pride.

Right from the start of his life, and the journey that unfolds later, this rightful king of Ayodhya possesses the qualities of righteousness, devotion, loyalty, and compassion.

Touted as the example of integrity, the mark Lord Rama has in our history will stand as long as mankind survives. 

Setting standards that we need to hope to live up to, his commitment to dharma is perhaps the most deep-set, his roles as a son, husband, and brother makes him the epitome of an ideal man, emphasizing the importance of loyalty, love, and respect.

Like I said, woven into our heritage, there are innumerable mentions of Lord Rama in everything, starting from musical compositions to temple art, his image is the symbol of moral and ethical values that permeate our literature, dance, and visual arts.

Each year, during the auspicious Ram Navami festival, devotees gather to celebrate Lord Rama's birth through prayers, festivities, and seeking his divine blessings.

Lessons from Lord Rama’s Life

Filled with lessons that call out to each one of us, the tale of Ramayana is inlaid with instances that speak about Lord Rama’s righteousness. This is an inspiration for generations and we do not repeat this sentiment lightly.

With a sense of duty to his family and kingdom, this tale shows us how Lord Rama stays true to both of it and the incredibly painful sacrifices that he endures to upkeep the same.

Lord Rama's unbreakable bond with his brothers is the strength of family ties and the support of loved ones.

His teachings are a guiding light, encouraging us to embrace courage, righteousness, duty fulfillment, devotion, and the enduring strength of family bonds. 

At its very essence, a story of love, devotion, loss, and good versus evil, Ramayana is a tale that never ceases to amaze.


Some tales are meant to live long after everyone’s gone, and in that list lies the tale of Ramayana. 

The life of Lord Rama as an avatar of Lord Vishnu, it might seem like a tale we heard as a child, but unbeknownst to us, travels along with us through the different stages of our lives. 

Lord Rama's impact is indescribable. He personifies the values of dharma, duty, and familial love. His life inspires millions to lead lives of virtue, facing challenges with integrity.

Lord Rama's story touches the core of what it means to be human. His legendary heroism and noble qualities continue to resonate in our hearts, reminding us of the power of goodness and the eternal quest for truth and righteousness.

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